Vevor Ultrasonic Cleaner Car Parts Test
There’s been tons of hype around Ultrasonic Cleaners and we wanted to know if a Vevor Ultrasonic Cleaner can really clean our car parts, the results are surprising…
We have tons of car parts from our BMW e30 to our Datsun 510. Lots of the parts have caked grease, dirt, and grime which would be a perfect candidate for an Ultrasonic Parts Cleaner. But what exactly is an ultrasonic cleaner?
An ultrasonic cleaner is a container which you pour fluid into that’s agitated through the use of a transducer.
The transducer uses ultrasound frequencies which creates cavitation bubbles that help clean the submerged parts.
The first set of parts that need cleaning are engine mounts and an a oil filter mount from our 1984 BMW 318i e30 restoration project car.
These car parts have an extra layer of thick oil, dirt, and grime. The engine mount also has aluminum webbing. Usually these types of parts are extra hard to clean by hand. So we decided to put the Vevor Ultrasonic Cleaner 10 Liter to the test against some good old elbow grease. Next we had to find some cleaning solution. We decided to use Simple Green Max because it’s safe for aluminum car parts.
Simple Green Max(Safe for Aluminum Car Parts)
The engine and oil filter mounts went into the Ultrasonic Parts Cleaner with 1/10 of the Simple Green Max diluted with water. The other engine mount went into a small plastic tub which will be cleaned with a brush soaked in some Simple Green.
The Vevor Ultrasonic Cleaner also comes with a basket that keeps our car parts suspended above the bottom of the container to allow agitation to occur on the bottom of the part. We set the temperature on the Vevor to 40c (104F) and set the ultrasonic parts cleaner timer to run for 30 minutes. As the 30 minute timer started we scrubbed the extra engine mount by hand while the ultrasonic cleaner did its job. After 30 minutes, we compared our hand cleaned part with the parts from the Vevor Ultrasonic Cleaner.
Vevor Ultrasonic Cleaner Results (Left is hand scrubbed car part)
Most of the grease and dirt was removed by the Ultrasonic Cleaner. We were able to wipe the little bit of dirt left off with no scrubbing required.
The hand cleaned part came out somewhat decent, but any extra dirt wouldn’t rub right off.
So we think its definitely safe to say that a Vevor Ultrasonic parts cleaner can clean your car parts. We have tons of parts to clean for our project cars and who knows, we may even save up enough to buy a 30L unit that’s big enough to clean much bigger parts We also tested cleaning rusty car parts which had some interesting results.
Simple Green Max Automotive Cleaner for greasy/dirt filled parts.